IT security news is one way of helping the public be aware of what is going on over the internet and letting them know how safe they are. A lot of people put some very personal data online without ever realizing it. Sometimes users go on and fill up certain documents such as name and birthday without realizing that the site they are using might not be protected or secure enough to handle the given information. Security notes will let them know of software or happenings online that they should be cautious about.
Spyware Malicious Software
One of the topics on IT security news is Spyware. Spyware is a kind of malware. Malware is the shortened term for malicious software. This software actually takes private information from the owner without his knowledge. This is installed onto the computer and can collect information such as passwords and other data that no one would want to share with others such as bank account information, credit card numbers, and the like.
This malware also has the power to mess up the way the computer is originally programmed or running by putting extra software, messing with the connections, and even making your computer run slower. It is even capable of knowing how the user performs on his computer through adware.
Unfortunately, this is installed to the computer at times when the user actually installs or downloads software that he originally wanted. While the user is installing the software, the spyware will take a free ride along with it and start noting down private information and details. Users must also be cautious about installing free anti-virus or security software because spyware could go disguised as one of these.
Other News
Norton Cybercrime Report shared that a lot of money, $110 billion, was lost to cybercriminals on the web. 39% felt that they were hacked through malware and false information. Even though understand safety rules on the Internet, there are still 40% of users who do not create strong passwords. Still, many do not comprehend what modern technology is doing. There were 40% who did not know how malwares function and that they can do so in secret and another 55% did not know how to tell if their computer was infected or not.
It is best to be updated with IT Security News. Technology and life over the internet is changing rapidly that it is sometimes difficult to comprehend everything; one of the biggest priorities is to practice safety by making sure that no one or anything can get into your personal files and information. Reading through some security notes will empower your decision making over the internet and will keep you keen on what you share.
For more information on how you can protect yourself and your family, visit this link. Getting connected and reading IT Security News here will let you know what precautions you can take which will empower you while you are on the World Wide Web.