
Get Protected With IT Security News

IT security news is one way of helping the public be aware of what is going on over the internet and letting them know how safe they are. A lot of people put some very personal data online without ever realizing it. Sometimes users go on and fill up certain documents such as name and birthday without realizing that the site they are using might not be protected or secure enough to handle the given information. Security notes will let them know of software or happenings online that they should be cautious about.

Spyware Malicious Software

One of the topics on IT security news is Spyware. Spyware is a kind of malware. Malware is the shortened term for malicious software. This software actually takes private information from the owner without his knowledge. This is installed onto the computer and can collect information such as passwords and other data that no one would want to share with others such as bank account information, credit card numbers, and the like.

This malware also has the power to mess up the way the computer is originally programmed or running by putting extra software, messing with the connections, and even making your computer run slower. It is even capable of knowing how the user performs on his computer through adware.

Unfortunately, this is installed to the computer at times when the user actually installs or downloads software that he originally wanted. While the user is installing the software, the spyware will take a free ride along with it and start noting down private information and details. Users must also be cautious about installing free anti-virus or security software because spyware could go disguised as one of these.

Other News

Norton Cybercrime Report shared that a lot of money, $110 billion, was lost to cybercriminals on the web. 39% felt that they were hacked through malware and false information. Even though understand safety rules on the Internet, there are still 40% of users who do not create strong passwords. Still, many do not comprehend what modern technology is doing. There were 40% who did not know how malwares function and that they can do so in secret and another 55% did not know how to tell if their computer was infected or not.

It is best to be updated with IT Security News. Technology and life over the internet is changing rapidly that it is sometimes difficult to comprehend everything; one of the biggest priorities is to practice safety by making sure that no one or anything can get into your personal files and information. Reading through some security notes will empower your decision making over the internet and will keep you keen on what you share.

For more information on how you can protect yourself and your family, visit this link. Getting connected and reading IT Security News here will let you know what precautions you can take which will empower you while you are on the World Wide Web.

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Use Free Antivirus To Keep Your Computer Safe

It is very important to keep your valuable computer safe from dangerous viruses by installing good anti virus software. Many types of antivirus software are available in the market today. They are available in different rates and with different features. Most of them offer complete safety from viruses, spy wares, malware etc.

More and more types of viruses are coming up every day so it is very important to protect your computer with good quality software. The customer will have to buy them from the software companies by giving a good amount of money, but nowadays there are many antivirus software which is completely free. Anyone can download it from the website of the software company and install them they offer complete protection and safety but people are very doubtful about their results. You can see many websites from where you can download anti virus free.

Most of the software companies provide two versions of the same anti virus software in the website; one will be a free download version and other is the commercial version. It is true that the commercial version will be much more advanced, but the fact is the protection offered by the free version is more than enough for regular computer users. A commercial antivirus will need yearly renewals, for that you have to pay a good amount of money to the companies. This will be totally unnecessary and waste of money when you are getting good service for free for a long period of time. Some free software even regularly updates the database like the commercial ones.

If you just search the internet you will get details of plenty of free anti virus software. Most of them are readily available for easy downloading and installation. Choosing the right one can be a bit confusing. If you search in the internet systematically you can find the perfect anti virus software that suits all your needs. Choosing the right one can be a bit confusing. First you have to list the details of your needs. Only person who knows about your requirements well will be you. After listing down all your requirements you have to search in the internet for different types of antivirus software.

It will be better if you surf through different websites and note down their services and offers. Then you can make a list of software which fits your needs. Next step is a very important one you can read different comments are reviews about different software from the same website. There are also many articles available you can also make use of them for the selection. You have to put in some effort for getting a perfect anti virus because it is about the safety of your precious electronic equipment. If you are not satisfied with your anti virus system you can use more advanced methods like Descarga anti virus gratis.

Welcome to Neo antivirus gratis, here we provide free anti virus protection for your system. You can enjoy the browsing safely by using our neo security antivirus. Want to know more information about Antivirus Gratis and neo security antivirus feel free to browse our website.

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Will The Internet Betray You - Are Social Networks Your Friend or Foe?

Not long ago, I was discussing with an overseas acquaintance the reality that so much of who we are is now online that you can go look up just about anyone and learn all about them. Today, there are conspiracy theorists who say the NSA is creating a dossier on every American in the country, which may or may not be so, but if it is, why would they stop there? Why not all planetary humans? Talk about the data base from hell, that would be a whopper, and something like that misused could literally create hell on Earth, especially for those who have come to expect freedom and liberty during their life experience.

Now then, my acquaintance had assumed that I went online to look up all the information about him, which was a false assumption, you see I hadn't. Not that there wasn't any curiosity there, it's just that I had other things to do, and since our conversation was light-weight, it didn't matter anyway. He noted that there was ample information online to verify who he was, what he had done in his life, and thus, his potential to perhaps work on one of our up and coming projects. Still, he noted that he tried to keep his online information to a minimum, but admitted he couldn't hide everything considering today's Internet.

Yes, the Internet is interesting, sometimes I think it is our friend, other times, I wonder if it is the enemy, as I see friends posting on Facebook etc, which I do not participate. You see, right now those behind all this Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Social Networking phenomena are busy trying to figure out how to best exploit all this data, so it should not surprise anyone all the behind the scenes activities with big time corporations, advertisers, marketing companies, and yes, intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Not just here, but around the world.

Consider this, your data, information, contacts, associations, etc. could be shared by foreign nations, international criminals, multi-national companies, and it already is to a lesser degree, but what I am saying is this will become the norm, and you'll just have to accept all this. So, I guess you ought to be asking yourself if the Internet and the social networks you play on are ever going to betray you in the future. Are those social media sites, and social networks your friend or foe? Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Internet Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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Spotting a Dodgy Email - 5 Tips

We have all seen the emails that claim we are due a reward or gift voucher or there is a problem with some account we have. Most encourage you to click a link and enter some details and while a lot of us are aware of these types of scams a lot more are not.

First a few examples of the types of emails we are talking about:

"Your PayPal account has been suspended"

"You have won a $100 voucher to Walmart"

"You are approved for xxx visa card"

"Winning lottery notification"

"DHL failed to deliver"

"You won a cruise"

Disaster relief scam emails

Email verification emails from sites you have not signed up to

These are just some examples and we all will have one of these emails in our inbox right now or within the next 24 hours. These types of emails are generally designed to do one of 3 things.

1. Get your personal information for identity theft, resale

2. Gain access to accounts you may have

3. Install malicious software

4. Con you to fleece you of your hard earned money

Now when you are looking at scam emails your best defence is common sense but here are a few tips to help you not become one of the thousands scammed by such emails.

1. Common sense wins every time

As we mentioned common sense is your number one defence against these emails. Your bank, PayPal and other financial services will NEVER ask you for things like passwords, card details and other very personal details via email. Any emails or forms that you are redirected to asking for passwords should set alarm bells ringing. There are some that even bold enough to ask for your pin number!

2. Looking for spelling and grammar errors

Although these scam emails are getting better and better they do tend to lack in the spelling and grammar areas. I have seen emails that look very legitimate with logos and such and it is not until you read the email that it becomes very obvious that this email is not from your bank or some other such site.

3. Check the link

This is probably the biggest giveaway and the one people do not know about. For example I saw a scam email the other day that appeared to be from Walmart claiming someone had won $1000 in a raffle and that they needed to click the link and enter details to claim.

The link was something like "". To most people this looks fine it looks like it is going to Walmart's website but the problem is that it is not. The Walmart part is a sub domain of the site and has nothing to do with Walmart.

Upon clicking the link you are taken to a well done copy of Walmart's website where you enter your details and send these scammers your information to be used for whatever reason but again the website is not it is part of and is just designed to trick you into thinking the site is legitimate.

This happens on many email scams I have received and it is always worth just hovering over the link they want you to click just to see where it takes you (but don't click) If you are still unsure go directly to the company's website rather than via the link and login to your account that way. NEVER login to an account via a suspicious email.

4. The opening line or subject

Things like "You have won" or verify your bank account" are usually giveaways and are 99.9% of the time scams. Messages that start with things like dear friend or hello friend are usually good indicators that a lot of rubbish is about to follow.

5. Attachments

If you receive and email from someone you don't know that contains an attachment your finger should be hovering over the delete message button. These types of messages usually contain attachments that are either viruses or forms used to phish your personal information.

Craig is a Computer Repair Technician and blogger who offers advice and tutorials on all things tech related at his blog computerlearnhow. To learn how to protect your online identity check Stay Safe Online

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Hackers and Their Methods of Operendi Don't Always Give Them Away

Often hacker groups methods to pin the crime on someone else. So, let's say you have 160 known hacking groups world-wide, most are loosely affiliated. Plus, you have government and foreign military or cyber-spy commands perhaps adding another 50 or so to the mix, some quite sophisticated. Not long ago, I was reading 150 page research report on cyber security, cyber warfare, hactivists, and criminal hackers. Okay so let's talk for second shall we?

One of the chapters in the report suggested that it was easy to tell if a hacking group was part of a state-sponsored cyber command, or just would-be hackers messing around because you could tell by their style and methods. However, I would question this because cyber commands would be wise to cloak as hactivists, or petty hacker teenagers when trying to break into a system of a Corporation, or government agency. Meanwhile the report proposes that the hackers aren't that smart, and that they always use the same methods of operandi, I completely disagree with this.

There may be some that do, but I bet most of them have many tricks up their sleeve, and they may even purposely mimic the methodologies and tactics of other hacking groups to shield and hide their own identities - in other words, mix it up a little so they don't get caught. Wouldn't they, or are we to believe and think hackers are stupid or something? They aren't, they're obviously smart enough to break into nearly every single computer system on the planet, they have been busy breaking into everything in the last few years, these aren't stupid individuals - in fact, I wonder if anything is safe of sacred anymore?

Next, I'd like to point out that the authorities are busy hiring these hackers who have experience for their own security computer needs. If these hackers were so naïve and stupid, then I doubt very much if the corporations, and government agencies would be hiring them in the first place. Whereas the methods and strategies, as well as the tactics used by various hackers could at times act as a fingerprint, it might also be nothing more than a false positive or a disguise purposely used to conceal their own hacking group.

Therefore, I thought it was rather naïve of that research paper, partially completed by a computer scientist, to even suggest such. Even if they were talking in hindsight or about how things have historically been in the past, I think they might be missing something. Sure some of the hackers that aren't perhaps wise enough to understand this concept, or are still learning might make such a mistake to always use the same methods, but I doubt that is true for experienced hackers.

Heck even chimpanzees, don't always use the same methods as to not give away their intentions, so I thought humans understand this concept too. Of course, that's just my opinion after reading about 1000 pages last week of research reports on cyber security. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Internet Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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Deal With A Malware Infected Notebook

No matter what OS you are using, at any time, malware can still bring your notebook to its knees. The important thing, however, is not to stress out over spyware and malware while you're on the road. Read on for tips that will help you troubleshoot any problems you may encounter and keep your notebook running while you are away from the office.


Most of us have some anti-spyware and antivirus software installed on our business notebooks; some of us have more than one loaded. But these programs aren't really going to be very helpful unless we update them frequently. Even the popular Spybot Search & Destroy needs updating to do its job properly. When a user notices a problem, a common first reaction is to run the anti-spyware and antivirus programs on his machine. That's a great idea, of course, but it's important that you update and install the most current version of the software before you run the program. Doing this can save you a bit of time and will help root out any new infections you may have picked up while surfing the Web. Although you can set most enterprise-level antivirus programs to update automatically, there are some programs that require manual updates before you start the lengthy scanning process. For example, when using Spybot Search & Destroy, all you have to do is click the Update icon on the left side of the screen to download the newest malware definitions. After you download the latest definitions and detection rules, click the Search For Problems icon and follow any prompts to complete the update.


One of the best ways to prevent your computer from being loaded down with malware is to never let the stuff in the door. Windows includes a basic firewall (it's activated by default), but added protection helps. You will want to check that Windows Firewall is up and running on your computer. To access the firewall in Windows Vista/7, click the Windows icon, select Control Panel, and then select Windows Firewall; in WinXP, click Start, Control Panel, and Windows Firewall. If the firewall is set to Off, simply select the radio button or link for On and click OK.

Now comes the step of adding another layer of protection. Search online and you'll find several free firewalls available that do a good job of protecting your computer from unwanted intrusions. A number of these programs, once installed, will prompt you to determine which programs are authorized to access the Internet. Then the programs will block the rest (or at least seek permission to allow a new program to access the Internet). Of course, the enterprise-level offerings include powerful firewalls, so if your company uses programs such those, make sure they're up and running before you leave for a business trip. You can also search the Web for the latest highly rated antivirus and personal firewall solutions, many of which have free versions available for download.


Automated spyware and antivirus tools are great, but they're no substitute for a little bit of vigilance on your part. Got an email from someone you don't know? Immediately trash it without opening it. Even if your email program automatically opens your new messages in a reading pane, it's a good idea never to download an unexpected attachment. Consider using an alternative email service provider (various Web-based options are available) that can give you an extra layer of protection by immediately scanning all incoming and outgoing attachments for virus threats. Also, no matter what the pop-ups tell you, don't click anything that jumps unsolicited onto your screen claiming to be able to fix a virus or spyware problem. These pop-ups are more often than not carriers of spyware and viruses in the guise of an actual message from your OS. A general rule of thumb is that if it opens in a browser window and you did not specifically point your browser toward it, don't click it. Just close the window and go about your business.


So, your system is armed to the teeth with regularly updated antivirus and anti-spyware utilities, but you're still having troubles? There are some simple fixes you can run in Windows to help you at least get around spyware problems. You can simply monitor and control the programs your computer is running at startup. To do this in WinXP, click Start, then Run, and then type msconfig into the window that appears. Click OK and then click the Startup tab. See anything with a blank entry? If something refuses to identify itself, it's a pretty good bet you don't need it to start up your machine. Deselect suspicious checkboxes (you can also streamline your computer's startup routine here, if you wish, by deselecting programs that automatically load that you rarely use). Click OK and restart when prompted. In Vista, open the Windows Defender program. Choose Tools and Software Explorer and then click Startup Programs from the Category menu. Your startup programs will display in the left pane. Simply click a program to highlight it and then click the Disable button. Alternatively, you can permanently terminate a program by clicking the Remove button. It's also a good idea to set a restore point when you know your computer is working well. That way, you can always restore your machine to a time when it was functioning properly. To create a restore point, click Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and System Restore. Click Create A Restore Point, and then follow the wizard that appears. To restore your machine, click Restore My Computer To An Earlier Time.

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Registry Cleaners and Fixes

Computers have really changed the world these past decades. They started out as huge complicated machines that help us process calculations. Now, they still are complicated machines that still aid in calculations but now offer lots of capabilities. The size of computers has also drastically decreased. Since the computers of today have overwhelming processing capability, it is sometimes unavoidable for it to encounter errors. It helps to have the best Windows XP registry cleaner on hand for situations like this.

Currently, Windows XP is the most widely used operating system. Business process outsourcing companies and call centers are known to use this operating system because of VoIP issues surrounding the newer operating systems. People who own single core and low RAM desktops and laptops also prefer this OS because it is lightweight. Only those who have tons of RAM and at least dual cores can safely run Windows 7 with no problem. Due to these, it really pays to have the best Windows XP registry cleaner especially if you are a computer technician.

The registry is actually a collection of information, also called a database, that houses all the hardware and software configurations. Having this on your operating system is a big plus because it saves several milliseconds of processing. For computers, milliseconds really count.

There are many things that a program should do if you are to consider it the best Windows XP registry cleaner. The following are only some of the important functions of a good registry cleaner. Take note that every program has its specialization but the good ones will offer part of everything.

The basic function of the program is to repair problems in the registry which concern useless, malfunctioning or duplicate entries. These can be categorized into either help incorrect help files, incorrect application paths, missing shared DLLs, obsolete software and many more. These things are hardly damaging to the computer but they will contribute to lag if left alone.

Another scenario that warrants a registry fix is when hardware problems arise. An example is when you have inserted a DVD in your drive and it is not read. If the disk ran successfully on another computer and you are sure that drivers are installed, there may be a registry problem. A common error with hardware is invalid path assignment.

The best Windows XP registry cleaner should be able to do most of the functions mentioned earlier. Additionally, if the software has lots of online support, you would do well to choose that. Examples of online support include live chat and forums.

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How to Remove United States Cyber Security Virus

United States Cyber Security virus is a ransomware that was programmed to attack computers in USA. This virus can be distinguished from other malwares by a very aggressive behavior towards an infected machine. As soon as it gets inside the system, it blocks computer completely. The only thing the owner of the infected machine can see is a message:

Your PC is blocked due to at least one of the reasons specified below.

You have been violating Copyright and Related Rights Law (Video, Music, Software) and illegally using or distributing copyrighted content, thus infringing Article I, Section 8, Clause 8, also known as the Copyright of the Criminal Code of United States of America.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Criminal Code provides for a fine of two to five hundred minimal wages or a deprivation of liberty for two to eight years.


To unblock the computer, you must pay the fine through MoneyPak of $100.

United States Cyber Security virus just like other versions of this ransomware such as FBI virus, Canadian Police virus or Ukash virus gets inside computer using security holes and system vulnerabilities. One might get infected by the virus after downloading a corrupted file or visiting an infected webpage. United States Cyber Security virus is distributed using Trojans downloaded from exploit pages as well as corrupt shareware.

Once the virus is in the system, you will be displayed with a scary message shown on a with "camera" window each time you turn on your computer. This ransomware disables the rest of your programs therefore your PC does not respond to any of your commands. No matter how convincing the message of this virus looks like, do not pay the fine. It will only encourage more of similar viruses to be distributed and definitely will not unblock your system. If you already paid the fine and read this article after your money is spent, contact your credit card company as soon as possible and dispute the charges. Note, none of official governmental institutions accept payments using prepaid payment system. Once you see such a payment option this should be a first sign for you that something is wrong and you are looking at a scam.

To unblock your computer you will need to do some work manually. First of all restart your computer in a safe mode or safe mode with networking. Then run MSConfig. After it is finished, disable all startup entries. You can identify malicious entries easily as they will reference a file from your user folder. Restart your computer one more time. This time it should not be blocked anymore. Do not forget to perform a full system scan of your PC.

Here is a step by step video guide on United States Cyber Security virus removal.

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Removing the Google Redirect Virus - A How To Guide

Does your computer have the Redirect Virus?

This article will discuss the characteristics of the redirect virus, recognizing symptoms of an infected PC and most importantly, how to permanently remove the virus.

When using your browser to search Google, Yahoo or Bing are you sent to non search related sites or ad-based sites? Is your PC processing sluggishly? If yes is the answer to either of these, your computer may have a redirect virus. This Browser virus is a very serious problem and needs to be addressed immediately. The very security of your computer could be compromised if the virus is not removed as soon as possible.

Having your search results hijacked by this virus is a bad enough problem, but it gets worse. Many times the sites you are redirected to contain malicious software such as spyware. Once installed on your computer, you have a whole new set of problems. If you have Antivirus or Security Software it may detect the malicious code installed on you PC, but usually after the damage is done. To make matters worse, even if your anti-virus software detects and removes the spyware it won't find the redirect virus. So the virus will reactivate, starting the whole process over again.

The Redirect Virus - a mini application. It is often designed to direct you to sales sites in order to scam your money. It is also often designed for more sinister reasons. To compromise the entire network your computer is connected to.

A Trojan Horse type of virus. The Browser redirecting virus is introduced to your PC disguised as an innocent file or extension. It is in fact a mini application that then alters you Windows settings. After its work is done it lays inactive disguised as an essential or.exe file in places that antivirus and security software just isn't designed to look.

Most often this virus is introduced to your PC via an attachment in an email, an installed plugin or dubious download website. These are the sort of actions the average PC user has to navigate every day. It's no wonder this virus has infected millions of PCs around the world. Because of the ease of which the redirect virus can be transferred, it is possible that an entire computer network can be infected by this virus in a short amount of time.

Like most malicious code, the browser virus preys upon the innocent PC user. Introducing itself through the most vulnerable channels - email, plugins and downloads. Because the virus is an application it can self replicate and needs no aid from other applications.

The very security of your PC as well as the personal information contained on it is at risk if you have a redirect virus installed on it. If you are redirected to a malicious site, spyware can be installed without your knowledge. Personal information and files can be sent to hackers or unauthorized people. The totality of your system's security, performance and stability can be compromised if this virus is not totally and permanently removed.

Reacting quickly and decisively is the best defense against the redirect virus. You must remove the virus in its entirety from your PC.

Redirect Virus Removal.

If you want to remove the redirect virus yourself manually, you will need to have a working knowledge of your computers security and registry. The redirecting of your browser was accomplished by compromising the files of your computer's register. The following things must be inspected and you must remove any infected elements.

(DLL) FilesRegister entriesFiles that assists the NavigatorNavigator's Additional components

After you have removed any infected elements in these components, you must delete the Navigator memory and reboot the computer.

If you are not comfortable making these repairs yourself, or just don't have the time or expertise, you can use a program specifically designed to remove the redirect virus permanently.

The program I recommend has a 100% Guarantee of success. It is a fast permanent solution to this problem. You can read more about it at

Whether you decide to do it your self or use a guaranteed method. Good Luck, Bill

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Delete Windows Interactive Safety Virus

Windows Interactive Safety is a new online threat. It is causing a lot of trouble for users on the web. This virus may look like a legitimate antivirus program. It is a program that is fake. It's not legitimate and computer users need to know what this virus does and how to erase it from any computer that it is on.

Windows Interactive Safety Description?

This program can be categorized as scareware. It will give off a lot of notifications that are not real so that users are scared into purchasing the fix. This fix is not real. You don't need to buy the solution at all. The real solution is to remove this malware from your computer. When the malware is erased then you should be.

How did I get the Infection on this Computer?

This virus can get on the computer by zero day exploits. Some of the security weaknesses can be found with web broswers, Java or Flash installs or even operating systems. Make sure you update your security on the computer so you are protected from new threats like this one.

Computer users should also be very careful about Facebook adverts and emails that seem out of place. If the emails you get don't seem right, then do not open then. Instead, send an email to the sender to make sure. Don't open the emails because if you do it may result in you getting a virus.

What is Happening to My Computer Now?

Notifications about computer infections and trojans will began to pop up. These notifications might seem scary but they are fake. It's easy to see why they call it scareware. Don't be fooled. Your computer system is not in danger and your personal information is just fine.

What's the Next Step?

The next step is to delete Windows Interactive Safety from any PC. To erase this malware you will need to use a step by step guide on the virus removal. Locate a virus removal guide to help you. Leave the guides that are full of fluff. Choose a removal guide that really works. After the virus is deleted you will need to choose another antivirus program to make sure nothing is remaining. Do not skip this portion.. Make sure you run a full system scan for your own security.

Do yourself a favor and get the best antivirus program you can buy to stop these kinds of attacks from happening and ruining your computer system.

Being safe on the internet can save your computer system. Having adequate protection online is mandatory in today's technology driven world.You'll have peace of mind and safety.Antivirus protection is always needed.

Find the Windows Interactive Safety removal guide here. Also, this website is good for finding the best antivirus software.

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A Look at the Mobile Devices and Mobile Security

Mobile devices have continued to rise in their popularity, and the adoption rates are extremely high. This arises from the fact that mobile communication has become an everyday affair. For many people, leading a life without a mobile phone would be nearly impossible for many of us to tolerate. Our lives are dependent on the devices for so many things besides the major advantage of providing a means of communication with people. Again the continued rise in the level of adoption of devices has been accompanied by sophistication in the devices and their models and the level of functionality achievable with the devices.

There are now the smartphones and the tablets based on various different platforms dependent on the manufacturer. This has expanded the functionality that can be achieved with the mobile phones to unimaginable levels, and this is continuing with more and more pieces getting added to the devices. The smartphones and the tablets accompany users everywhere and anywhere they go and in everything that they do. The mobiles phones are now accessing the internet at great speeds and with very large capability helping users to access data and even manipulate the data. With such capability the mobile phones and devices are adding a whole different angle to the equation that is IT security. The devices have been a very big risk and this has to do with the fact that people are able to access a whole bulk of resources from their phones. The mobile devices are in themselves a threat to the data that is stored in them and to the networks in which they are a part of.

In a manner similar to the way people take some comprehensive steps to secure their computers, the mobile devices should be secured. This arises from the fact that the information and data accessed and contained in them includes personal and private data, photos and contacts, and even data and security details belonging to financial accounts and other online businesses. The devices, being the lifeline that they have become, require protection to manage and avert the risks and threats out there. A look at the steps to put in place to ensure that mobile security is guaranteed will be helpful for many users of the mobile devices.

The very first step has to be that of finding the devices which has the best or above average security features when compared to other devices in the market. This mitigates the risks out there and security features are different dependent on the manufacturer and the targeted clientele with the specific device. A major threat to the security of the mobile devices are the third party application which may come with attached scripts by cyber criminals whose intention of get control over your device. Therefore, go for the signed third party apps to be sure of their authenticity and also limit the level to which the other people can arbitrarily install these third party apps and inadvertently gain control to your device and further on to the business or corporate network.

For purposes of accessing internet through any of the mobile devices, it is important to guarantee security through the enabling of encryption and authentication. Encryption is possible with the devices that have been manufactured with strong security controls and are there to be used. It is only in this way that any user will be assured of the security of any sensitive information access from the device. Authentication on the other hand will boost security with smartphones and the tablets especially if the device is lost or falls into the wrong hands. This also ensures that information will not fall into the hands of criminals or just any other person. And it is still on this point that the use of the Remote Wipe Capabilities suffices so that in the event that the device is stolen then the users of the device is in a position to remotely access and disable the devices in the occasion that the devices are lost or stolen.

These mentioned are only a few measures which form only the basic steps to undertake towards strengthening the security of the mobile experience.

Fortunately, there are companies out there committed to providing the IT security for computer based interfaces as well as mobile security solutions for mobile devices, like Guardian Network Solutions. GNS is a value added reseller of IT solutions for small businesses and home users. Sometimes, it just takes investment in simple, automated software or hardware solutions to prevent work stoppage, data loss, and fraud attributable to cyber-attacks, and GNS is committed to providing the most affordable options tailored specifically for each aspect of IT security.

Reprint Terms: You're welcome to reprint these articles on your website and in your e-newsletters free of charge, provided that you do not change the article in any way and you include the byline, mobile security solutions.

In doing so you agree to indemnify Guardian Network Solutions and its directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against all losses, claims, damages, and liabilities that arise out of their use.

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Must Know Tips on Removing Viruses and Malware From Your Computer Guide

Removing a virus infection from your computer does not have to be complicated. Below I have included a simple guide in removing viruses from your computer.

I will assume that the infected machine is running microsoft windows and has internet access.

Step 1) Restart the computer and press the f8 key until a boot menu pops up. Select "safe mode with networking" from the list and press enter.

Safe mode is a diagnostic mode of windows which starts the computer with the bare minimum functionality, this prevents viruses and malware from having full control but still allows you to clean the computer.

Step 2) Open a web browser and browse to malwarebytes antimalware and download malwarebytes antimalware.

Install this program and run a full scan. This software removes 99% of viruses and malware. If it finds an infection, malwarebytes antimalware will request you restart the computer. Restart the computer and run malwarebytes antimalware full system scan again (not in safe mode).

3)Install some basic protection such as avast antivirus or avg. I recommend the site ninite for downloading these programs as it will install them together without any extra toolbars and bloat software.

Another good site for free software is filehippo

For more advanced virus removal techniques, try some of the following

combofix, rkill, tdss killer, kaspersky boot cd, and hijackthis.

Combofix: This is a a fantastic free program that can remove an infection, my favourite aspect of it is its ability to repair windows system files. This can be very useful and its fairly quick to run (less than half an hour).

rkill is a small program that disables fake antivirus alerts allowing you to remove them. It is becoming less effective as viruses evolve. Sometimes i run it multiple times b double clicking it repeatedly, this prevents as virus from shutting it down.

tdss killer: this small program was very useful in 2011 for removing a very nasty infection that hid itself in the master boot record (a place that antivirus software cannot usually scan).

Kaspersky boot CD: I cannot stress enough what an effective method of virus removal this is. Simply download an iso from the kaspersky website. burn it to cd using imgburn and boot the computer from cd. choose the graphical interface and run an update. run the scan and restart the computer.

Finally the best way to prevent viruses from taking hold is to continually update windows, java and flash. These features of a computer are typically used as a vector to virus infection. By keeping your computer updated, you can prevent most common infections.

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