Trojan horse is basically a standalone malevolent software program which cannot infect a computer automatically unless the virus is executed or the software program containing this virus. Once it gets executed, it will make numerous copies of itself and place them in multiple directories. In this way it can steal secret information from your computer by keystroke logging and damage the system completely. The beast Trojan horse has the capability to reverse connections which is also very harmful.
SQL Slammer - also known as Sapphire.Its main feature is that it is a file-less worm. It spreads by taking benefit of vulnerabilities found mostly in SQL servers.
It is a mass mailer worm and holds the record of the fastest spreading worm. E-mail attachments are the prime areas which help to spread this worm. When an email attachment includes a subject line like "test", "error", "mail transaction failed", or "mail delivery system" in languages like English and French, then it means a virus. If this mail is executed then the worm is sent to the local files of the user's address book.
Black worm- also known as Mywife, Nyxem, etc.This worm is spread through the emails that use External SMTP engine. The worm travels with different body texts, subjects, and the attachment names. Moreover, it creates multiple copies of itself and infects the hard drive with same name as in the windows file to remain hidden. The black-worm corrupts the data on every third day of the month. The worst part of this worm is that it can delete antivirus programs if both of them are placed in the same directory.
This worm affects kazaa which is a common file sharing program. This worm is also found in movie and music files. This worm creates multiple copies of itself and anyone users who download movies or music files make their computers infected with this virus.
Numbing Nimda - also known as Concept virusThis worm has the capability to modify executable files and web documents. This virus creates multiple copies of it and spreads as embedded attachments in HTML mail messages. These corrupt e-mail messages when opened by the recipient allow the virus to reach the recipient's computer also. This dangerous virus can also move through server web traffic, a shared hard drive which are infected, downloads, and so on.
This worm is so harmful that it can delete power point, excel, and word files along with other files. This virus travels via e-mails that come from a known recipient. The file containing this virus will show fake error message. It keeps a watch on the inbox of the infected system and then automatically sends replies to different senders.
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