
How Can You Protect Your Android From Malicious Software

As android devices continue being targeted by hackers and cybercriminals, it is clear that users need to understand the ways in which they can protect their devices from the intruders. Some of the most dangerous malware attacks on androids are fake banking apps, android Geinimi and DroidDream. The fake banking apps lure customers to enter their login information and this compromises their bank accounts.

Similarly, android Geinimi malware corrupts android games download sites and users downloading these games end up infecting their devices. Android fake player manifest as a media player and silently sends SMS to premium phone numbers. Bank accounts, confidential business information and personal details can be stolen by these malware thus causing financial loss and reputation damage.

Apparently, smartphone users are not very keen on malware vulnerabilities of their devices and this means that they are not taking strong measures to curb the problem. There are different ways in which android malware invasions can be prevented. One way in which the malicious software programs and codes are spread is through downloads. The most targeted are games download sites.

It is advisable that users not download apps from unauthorized or illegal apps stores. It is essential that you read and understand apps permissions before you download them. Users need to pay attention to apps they install in their devices. Hackers and phishers use popular apps to spread malware to your android devices. You may think that you are downloading the real legitimate apps but in the real sense, you are infecting your smartphone.

If you see free apps that are mainly found in paid versions, you need to watch out. These spammers will lure you because they know that you will not let go a free app that is initially in paid version. Another way in which you can protect your smartphone device is by using passwords. You also need to make sure that you change your passwords often and not use one password throughout.

Smartphones are mainly targeted because users do not update their operating systems when new versions are released. This is one challenge users have faced. In addition, some carriers and manufacturers of android devices are releasing older OS platforms in the market, giving hackers an opportunity to invade the devices. Users should make sure that they get the latest secure versions of operating systems immediately they are released in the market.

Moreover, users should refrain from sharing their confidential or personal information in public internet connections like Wi-Fi. Installing antivirus and anti-malware programs that are sourced from reputable companies is another way in which users can protect their devices from attackers. Such anti-malware apps help detect and remove malware from your smartphone.

The anti-malware programs should also be updated regularly to make sure that they are able to detect and remove newer versions of malicious codes. In a nutshell, android users should get more information about their device vulnerabilities and how they can keep off from the attackers. This will ensure that they do not infect their androids with malicious software that could steal their confidential information

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